
Leadership and Thai university

  • <Written by Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim)>

The pattern of leadership changes time to time from ancient civilization, and now, human’s are within digital economic sensation that requires core leadership from powerful tech industry, which is also synchronized by other industries  in coorelation with business and systematic eco-chain. Leadership is the key driver for our community  associated with government and private partnership. The role of governance for small, medium or large organization is vital for sustainable development. Core integrity from leaders determines the future movement of human civilization.   

Employment rate is one of the key indicators to maintain smooth eco-system within a country economy. Universities play major role to develop a country’s workforce and future development scheme to run the country in a meaningful direction. Thai universities are not apart. Public universities like Mahidol university, Chulalongkorn university and Kasetsart university are the leaders of Thai education system and performed effectively under Thai constitution. Private universities in Thailand also proactively synchronized with the government and international legislative authorities in decision making mechanism for country policy and it’s benefits. 

Thai universities are legitimate under the governmental regulations from Ministry of education affairs and Higher education commission. There are 170 higher education institutes in Thailand, both private and public, offering approximately 4100 curriculums. Total capacity to accommodate around 155,000 students nation wide, due to Thailand’s aging population structure, Thai universities are facing shortage of applicants for higher education and within 2050 there will be a tremendous shortage of students. National economic and social development board has taken some initiative to undertake this situation aim to sustain Thai education industry for future.  

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